
更新时间:2023-11-23 09:15:46 作者:有品生活网


1. How to read "厨房" in English?

As we all know, "厨房" refers to the place where we cook meals, wash dishes and store kitchenware. It is usually located in the house, apartment or restaurant. So, how to say "厨房" in English? It is "kitchen".

2. What can be found in a kitchen?

A kitchen is a place equipped with various cooking utilities, tools and appliances. Commonly seen items in a kitchen include stove, oven, refrigerator, microwave, sink, dishwasher, pots, pans, knives, cutting board, spatula, ladle, bowl, plate, spoon, fork, etc.

3. How to use the appliances in a kitchen?

Each appliance in a kitchen has its own function and usage. For example, a stove is used for cooking food by heating a pot or a pan on its surface, while an oven is used for baking cakes, pizza or other dishes. A refrigerator is used to store food and drinks at low temperature, while a microwave is used to heat the food quickly. To use these appliances, you need to read the instruction manual carefully before operating them.

4. How to keep a kitchen clean and tidy?

A clean and tidy kitchen is essential for cooking healthy and safe food. To maintain the cleanliness of a kitchen, you should wipe the counters and appliances regularly with a damp cloth, sweep or mop the floor, and wash the dishes or put them into the dishwasher after use. You should also dispose of the garbage properly and avoid leaving any food scraps on the counter or in the sink, which may attract pests or cause unpleasant odors.

5. Conclusion

In summary, a kitchen is a crucial part of our daily life, which provides us with a space to prepare and enjoy food. Knowing how to read "厨房" in English and understand the common items and appliances in a kitchen can help us better communicate with others and make use of the utilities effectively. Meanwhile, keeping a kitchen clean and organized is an important healthy habit that every family member should acquire.




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