英语forty怎么读 forty用英语怎么读?

更新时间:2023-11-16 15:10:38 作者:有品生活网

英语forty怎么读 forty用英语怎么读?

1. Forty is a number in the English language. It is the cardinal number that comes after thirty-nine and before forty-one. The pronunciation of forty is /ˈfɔːr.ti/.

2. The number forty is often used in expressions and phrases. For example, “life begins at forty” or “forty winks” means a short nap. In religion, the number forty is significant in the Bible and the Quran as a period of testing or trial. For instance, Jesus fasted for forty days and nights before his temptation, and Moses spent forty days and nights on Mount Sinai.

3. The spelling of forty is unique in adding a u after the r before the ty ending. The reason for this spelling is not clear, but it may have been influenced by the French word for forty, quarante, or the Middle English word fourti. The spelling with a u is consistent with other numbers such as fourteen and thirty-four.

4. The use of forty has decreased in contemporary English, partly because of the adoption of the metric system, which uses multiples of ten. However, it remains relevant in some contexts such as age milestones, sports competitions, and voting systems. For instance, in the United States, a person must be at least forty years old to run for president, and some states require a candidate to win by a forty percent majority.

5. In summary, forty is a number in English that is pronounced as /ˈfɔːr.ti/. It has diverse cultural and linguistic associations, and its spelling is unique in adding a u after the r before the ty ending. Despite its declining use, forty continues to have significance in various domains of life.



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