
更新时间:2023-12-02 17:06:34 作者:有品生活网

榴莲怎么读英语1. How to pronounce durian in English

In English, durian is pronounced as /ˈdʊər.i.ən/ or doo-ree-uhn. The stress is on the second syllable, and the u sound in the first syllable is pronounced like "oo". The final n sound is also pronounced.

2. Common English names for durian

Durian is known by different English names in different countries. In Malaysia and Singapore, it is commonly called "durian". In Indonesia, it is called "duren". In Thailand, it is called "thu-rian" or "mon-thong". In the Philippines, it is called "durian" or "lau-ya" in the Visayas region.

3. Durian's popularity in the West

Durian is not as popular in the West as it is in Southeast Asia. Its pungent smell and unique flavor make it an acquired taste for most. However, some people in the West do appreciate durian's taste and texture. It has also gained popularity in recent years as a trendy flavor in desserts and drinks.

4. Culinary uses of durian

Durian can be eaten on its own or used in various desserts such as cakes, ice creams, and puddings. It can also be used as a flavoring for candies and snacks. In some Southeast Asian countries, durian is used to flavor savory dishes such as curry and rice.

5. Durian's nutritional value

Durian is a rich source of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, vitamin B complex, potassium, and iron. It is also high in fiber and contains healthy fats. However, durian is also high in calories and sugar, so it should be consumed in moderation.

Overall, durian is a polarizing fruit that has a strong presence in Southeast Asian food culture. Its distinct flavor and smell may not appeal to everyone, but for those who appreciate it, it is a treasured delicacy. Whether eaten on its own or used in desserts and savory dishes, durian remains a unique and beloved fruit.






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