
更新时间:2023-08-13 16:25:52 作者:有品生活网


1. During the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, I had a wonderful time with my family.

2. On the first day of the holiday, my parents and I went to visit my grandparents in the countryside. We brought them some zongzi and other gifts. They were very happy to see us and we spent the whole day chatting, playing games and eating delicious food.

3. On the second day, my parents took me to the local park. There were many activities going on, such as dragon boat races, traditional folk dances, and martial arts performances. I was amazed by the dragon boat races, as the boats were so colorful and the paddlers were so fast and skillful. We also had some snacks, like rice dumplings, which were a must-have during the festival season.

4. On the third day, we visited the famous Lingyin Temple, which is one of the largest Buddhist temples in China. We climbed up to the peak of the mountain where the temple is located and enjoyed the amazing view of the city and the lake. The temple was so peaceful and serene, and we dived into the world of Buddhism, which helped us to purify our souls.

5. In conclusion, my Dragon Boat Festival holiday was really unforgettable. I spent quality time with my family, learned more about Chinese culture and had some fun outdoor activities. I hope to have more opportunities like this in the future.


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