
更新时间:2023-11-17 09:38:50 作者:有品生活网


1. Dragon Boat Festival, also known as Duanwu Festival, is a traditional Chinese festival celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. It is a significant holiday that has a history of over 2,000 years. The festival is not only a time for people to pay tribute to Qu Yuan, a famous poet of ancient China, but also a time for various traditional customs and activities.

2. The origin of Dragon Boat Festival can be traced back to the legend of Qu Yuan. Qu Yuan was a minister and poet during the Warring States period in ancient China. He was loyal to his country and tried to prevent it from being conquered by other states. However, his suggestions were not accepted, and he was exiled. When he learned that his country was invaded and conquered, he was devastated and eventually drowned himself in the Miluo River on the fifth day of the fifth month.

3. The first custom of Dragon Boat Festival is eating zongzi, a traditional Chinese food made from glutinous rice wrapped in bamboo leaves. Zongzi can be filled with various ingredients such as meat, beans, and nuts. It is believed that eating zongzi during the festival can protect people from evil spirits and diseases. It is a tradition for families to make zongzi together and share them with relatives and friends.

4. Another highlight of Dragon Boat Festival is dragon boat racing. Dragon boat is a long, narrow boat decorated with a dragon's head and tail. It requires teamwork and coordination to row the boat in sync. Dragon boat racing is not only a sport but also a way to pay homage to Qu Yuan. It is said that people beat the water with paddles and drums to scare away fish and evil spirits, preventing them from harming Qu Yuan's body.

5. In addition to zongzi and dragon boat racing, there are other customs associated with Dragon Boat Festival. For example, hanging up pouches filled with herbs to ward off evil spirits, wearing colorful silk threads to protect against diseases, and making and wearing colorful silk thread sachets. These customs reflect the ancient Chinese belief in driving away evil and bringing good luck during the festival.

In conclusion, Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional Chinese festival with a rich history and various customs. It is a time for people to remember and honor Qu Yuan, as well as enjoy traditional foods, participate in dragon boat racing, and engage in other customs and activities. The festival not only showcases the cultural heritage of China but also promotes unity, teamwork, and the spirit of loyalty and perseverance.




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